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On a Mission...

To share the love of God and the truth of His word with people at home and abroad.

These servants of God, and their corresponding mission works, are supported by our congregation in cooperation with other churches of Christ around the world. For more information about our mission work, please contact our church office.

Byron Benitez & Hiawatha Jones

Latin American Theological Institute

Alfred Habasky
Cairo, Egypt
Bob & Barbara Buchanan
Republic of the Philippines

Eastern European Mission publishes, prints, and distributes Bibles and Bible-based materials in 30+ countries and 20+ languages through a vast network of partner churches and organizations.

Roscoe Global
Bible Teachers

Our Roscoe Global Bible Teachers are utilizing the World Bible School platform to reach and teach thousands of online Bible students, and to assist evangelists and missionaries working on both domestic and foreign mission fields all around the world. 

Eddie & Elsie Nkosi

South African Bible College

Christian Service Center


901 Mesquite Street
Abilene, TX 79601


Monday - Friday
9am - 12pm, 1pm - 4pm

9am - 12pm 

First weekend of

every month:
Closed Friday


The Christian Service Center in Abilene is funded by local churches of Christ and is able to assist the local communities and those in need through donations of:


Household items-kitchen, linens, fans,  small appliances, decorative items, blankets, curtains

Clothing-women’s, children’s, men’s, shoes

Food-their pantry is stocked with canned and dried goods

Toys for all kids' ages

Hygiene-soap, shampoo, feminine items, towels

Car Seats, heaters, diapers, dental assistance, counseling


This center is for those who have endured a disaster such as a house fire/flood, low income, immigrants, or anyone who is in need.  The Christian Service Center serves an average of 150 people a week, or over 7,000 per year. They seek to provide services to anyone in need, and support those in poverty without creating a climate of dependency. 


Please consider taking any unwanted items to this donation center.  They would also appreciate any volunteers.  For more information, visit


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